Webinar: How are urban initiatives and actions supporting Green, Just and Productive Cities in the EU? The Green City
De (Engelstalige) webinars vinden plaats op:
- (The Productive City: 20 September 2021)
- The Green City: 27 September 2021
- The Just City: 4 Oktober 2021
Tijdstip: tussen 14.00 en 16.00 uur
Meer informatie en aanmelden vindt u hier.
The webinars will be based around the series of articles on the 14 Partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU which link actions and activities with other relevant EU projects and initiatives supported by Cohesion Policy (including Urban Innovative Actions, URBACT and Article 7 cities benefitting from the European Regional Development fund (ERDF).
The Green City Webinar is 2-hour session taking place on 27 September 2021. The webinar will bring together experience from cities, with a focus on how to further the implementation of this NLC pillar. In particular, experiences from Action Leaders of the Urban Agenda for the EU, as well as cities from Urban Innovative Actions (UIA), from URBACT and others benefitting from Article 7 cities implementing ERDF will be showcased. Speakers in this section of the webinar will tackle the discussion from the angle of energy efficiency, regeneration and nature-based solutions. The focus of the webinar will then turn to the future, featuring presentations from relevant DG’s at the European Commission on on-going or upcoming initiatives related to urban development and according to the thematic angle of the Green City. The webinars will feature key insights and conclusions, Q&A with participants, and a guided
discussion on future opportunities involving all speakers in the webinar.
14.00 Welcome and introduction Agnese Macaluso, Urban Agenda for the EU Technical Secretariat –session moderator, Laura Liger, Policy Officer, Urban and territorial development DG REGIO, European Commission
14.05 PART 1: Dynamics and solutions around UAEU Actions and other EU initiatives, Marino Cavallo, Head of Department of Research, Innovation and EU Projects, City of Bologna, Italy UAEU city/Urbact/UIA/Article 7 city representatives
14.35 Concluding remarks and Q&A with participants, Eleni Feleki, Urban sustainability expert and Lead Expert of the URG Network, URBACT
14.50 PART 2: Future EU opportunities towards green cities, Wiebke Pankauke, Deputy Head of Unit, Future Urban & Mobility systems, DG RTD, European Commission, Helen McCarthy, Policy Officer, Environmental Knowledge, Eco-
Innovation & SMEs, DG ENV, European Commission, Laura Liger, Policy Officer – Urban and territorial development, DG
REGIO, European Commission 4
15:20 Guided discussion (with all speakers) and Katerina Fortun, Policy Analyst,Adaptation to Climate Change, DG CLIMA and UIA representative
15:50 Conclusion and main takeaways