Stakeholders Workshop van partnership Urban Air Quality
Are you a city representative, a regional or government official, a financial institution, a university, a think-tank, a NGO or another organisation committed to finding solutions in the field of Air Quality?
Then join us for this half a day workshop in London to discover the first results of the Urban Partnership for Air Quality and engage in shaping recommendations and actions for better legislation, better knowledge and better funding.
- 08.00-09.00 Registration and welcome coffee / tea
- 09.00-09.15 Welcome speech, Representative from Greater London Authority
- 09.15-09.30 Introduction to the Urban Agenda, Representative from European Commission
- 09.30-11.00 The Urban Air Quality Partnership – Preliminary findings. Chair:The Secretariat for the Urban Partnership for Air Quality
- 09.30-09.40 The Urban Air Quality Partnership – State of play, René Korenromp, Urban Air Quality Partnership Coordinator
- 09.40-10.00 Modelling City-Specific Situations + Q&A, Representative from City of Helsinki / Joint Research Centre
- 10.00-10.20 Mapping Regulatory Instruments and Funding of the EU + Q&A, Representative from Greater London Authority
- 10.20-10.40 Air Quality Best Practices + Q&A, Representative from City of Utrecht / Eurocities
- 10.40-11.00 Guidelines for City Air Quality Action Plans + Q&A, Representative from City of Milan
- 11.00-11.30 Coffee / tea break
- 11.30-12.00 Findings of the Air Quality Partnership in terms of better regulation, better knowledge and better funding, Dr. Rob Maas, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)
- 12.00-13.00 Debate with the audience, Chair: Representative from Air Quality Consultants
- 13.00-13.15 Wrap-up of the discussion, Representative from Air Quality Consultants
- 13.15-13.30 Conclusions, René Korenromp, Urban Air Quality Partnership Coordinator
13.30-15.00 End of workshop and networking lunch
Klik hier voor meer info en aanmelden.